About Us

Our Goal

To provide comprehensive research to empower the citizens of Avon Grove to have well-reasoned, fact-based conversations about education topics in the community.

Our Name

"Strength in Numbers" is a call to unity as well as a shout-out to data-driven research.

Our Organization

With all of the misinformation swirling around the community, we’ve gone to the original sources and studies behind facilities and full-day kindergarten (and other topics coming soon) to see what the science actually says. We’ve poured through hundreds of pages of academic studies, we’ve reviewed minutes and attended meetings from the school board, we’ve reviewed anything from the district we can find, compared it to the science and thus Strength in Numbers was born. We’re residents, just like you, and we’ve spent countless hours trying to summarize (fully cited and sourced, of course) the best science to explain why these educational topics are so important and perhaps so controversial in Avon Grove. We hope that you’ll join us in our quest for more accessible, research-based information on education topics in the community, because together, we are Strength in Numbers.


We are not an advocacy organization, but if the science supports one side of an argument over another side, our research will reflect that. For example, while there is some dissent regarding climate change, the vast majority of reputable studies have demonstrated that climate change is occurring at a rapid rate as a result of humans. Therefore, if we were writing about climate change, we would mention the existence of dissent, but the focus would be on climate change as a real, manmade phenomenon as per the scientific evidence.


And as for the obligatory disclaimer: Avon Grove Strength in Numbers is not associated with any other organization or any political party. We’re an independent, not-for-profit, volunteer organization. In other words, we do what we want…as long as it can be backed by sound research!

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Meet Some of our Members and Contributors


Mary Michael

I have a background in political science and French. Previously, I worked as a researcher and conflict specialist studying political violence around the world. My particular expertise is in ethnic conflict in francophone sub-Saharan Africa. As a conflict specialist, I have seen how education can help heal communities in its ability to provide a sense of unity and a sense of future. For example, in Rwanda, educational programs are being used to build a sense of national identity to prevent genocide from plaguing the country again. Education has the power to teach students about diversity and tolerance. Education can disrupt prejudice that’s been passed down from generation to generation. Education has the power to keep children away from political violence. It is from this experience that I derive my dedication to education and to providing meaningful information regarding education in our community. Together, we find strength in numbers.