AGSD Tax Relief Tips and Programs

There are a few programs to help relieve some of the tax burden on local property owners and senior citizens in the community. Below, we've gathered some tips and information about programs that can benefit all members of the community, so we encourage you to look them over and to apply for those programs for which you are eligible. We've provided application links and given you the background for how each of the programs works and how to qualify.

A word about taxes in PA...

The Pennsylvania constitution requires that if a tax is applied, it must be applied uniformly, which means that homes, offices, factories, etc. must all be taxed at the same rate. This means that it’s difficult to relieve the tax burden on the homeowner by shifting a portion of that burden to businesses, requiring them to pay a higher rate than residential properties as is done in other states. As a way to address this problem, tax relief programs like homestead reduction and senior tax rebate were created to help ease the tax burden on homeowners without changing the overall tax rate.


Pay Taxes Early

1. Pay School Taxes Early

Although it's not always feasible, if you are able to pay your taxes early, the district does provide a discount for early payment. For July 2017 school taxes, a 2% discount was applied for those who submitted payment prior to August 31, 2017. While it doesn't seem like much, every little bit adds up.

2. Homestead/Farmstead Reduction

If you are a property owner and the home on that property is your primary residence, you likely are eligible for homestead reduction. This program is open to all property owners regardless of age or income. If you live on a working farm you may qualify for both the farmstead and homestead exemptions. Visit our page dedicated to homestead/farmstead reductions to get more information.

3. Senior property tax/rent rebate program

Those over the age of 65 (or widowed and over 50, or disabled and over 18) and making less than $35,000 a year ($15,000 for renters) may be eligible for up to $650 rebate courtesy of this state-wide program. Visit our page dedicated to the senior property tax/rent rebate program to get more information about how to qualify and how to apply.


Property Tax Relief in Pennsylvania. (2015, May 12). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center:

Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program. (2017). Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of Revenue: