School Board Information

This is where you can find information about, your region, who the school directors are and how to contact them. If you are passionate about something happening in the district, contact your board members!

Know Your Region

Region 1:  Franklin Township and London Britain Township

Region 2: Penn Township, New London Township, and West Grove Voting District #1

Region 3:  London Grove Township, Avondale Borough, and West Grove Voting District #2


Know Your Board Members

Region 1: Charles Beatty III, Lynn Weber, John T. Auerbach

Region 2:  Jeffery Billig, Rick Dumont, Tracy Lisi

Region 3: Herman Engel, Bill Wood, Bonnie Wolff


Get Involved

Make Contact:  If there is an issue in the school district you care about, contact your board members.

Attend a Board Meeting: Nothing says you care more about a topic than showing up to a meeting.

Get Caught Up:  Missed a meeting you had hoped to attend? No problem. Check out the minutes online and get caught up. (Note: minutes are only posted once approved. There may be a month or more lag).