
Enrollment overview

Enrollment data going back to 1991 shows that the overall number of students in the district has climbed over the last 25 years. The greatest rate of change took place in the 1990s and continued through the early 2000s. This growth led to a peak enrollment of more than 5400 students in 2007 and 2008. Although each individual year may show slight increases or decreases in population with regards to the peak enrollment, the trend is that of flat, rather than declining growth.  In other words, the data shows that the growth of the 1990s and 2000s has led to a persistently high student population.

Total Enrollment By District

For example, Avon Grove High School has actually grown by about 150 students between 2005 and 2014. In 2014, enrollment at the high school was higher than the peak 2007/2008 numbers.

Compare Enrollment by School in AGSD
Total Enrollment by School in AGSD

Additionally, while Penn London Elementary School may show a slight decrease in enrollment in recent years, enrollment data shows that as a particular class goes through the educational system, it grows consistently. For example, by the time the class of 2018 arrived in high school, there were as many as 150 more students.

Demonstrates how a graduating class (2018) grows as it progresses through AGSD